
Thursday 20 November 2014

Britain leaving the EU would be a 'catastrophe' for the UK, says German minister

THE German Deputy Finance Minister last night warned that Britain leaving the European Union would be a "catastrophe" for both the UK and the other member states.
Steffen Kampeter claimed there were many economic disadvantages if Britain were to walk away.

Speaking on BBC Two's Newsnight programme Mr Kampeter said: "We are not alone in stating that the Brits should stay in - Mario Renzi stated yesterday it would be a catastrophe. We want them in and we will find ways to offer Britain a good chance to stay in.
"And please do not forget opting out is not economically very preferable to the United Kingdom and has many disadvantages."
His remarks follow those of Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi who suggested it would be a "disaster" if the UK quit the EU.
He told Sky News: "I think this could be a disaster, a disaster for Europe obviously, I believe also for the UK but this is my opinion."
Mr Renzi said Italy, which holds the current EU Council presidency, shared with Britain the desire to cut red tape in the EU.
"We need UK able to invest in a different idea of Europe - more supportive in relation with citizens and not with the power of bureaucrats," he said.
"For this reason Europe needs the role of the UK but I believe also at this moment the UK has a lot of advantage in the presence in Europe."
The UK's role in the EU has become a major issue ahead of next year's General Election, with pressure from anti-EU parties such as Ukip leading Prime Minister David Cameron to promise an EU referendum by the end of 2017.
Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said on Saturday said the UK should be prepared to "stand up from the table and walk away" from the European Union if negotiations over the country's relationship with Brussels are unsuccessful.
Mr Hammond said he thought an agreement was a possibility, including "stretching" freedom of movement rules to restrict the number of migrants from within the EU coming to the UK.
Last week, former Prime Minister Sir John Major warned that the chance of Britain leaving the 28-member bloc was "50/50".

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