
Friday 28 November 2014

The secret to Melanie Syke's abs of steel: As the 44-year-old sets hearts racing in the jungle with her enviable washboard stomach, Femail reveals how she got it

If there is one thing I'm A Celebrity viewers have noticed this series it's that Melanie Sykes body really is a sight to behold.

So fabulously toned is the 44-year-old mother-of-two that her rock hard six pack has been the talk of the show in and outside the camp.
In an interview prior to her move to the jungle, Mel revealed her body isn't thanks to a get fit quick plan after signing up for the show.
'I've been training for seven years so I'm always bikini ready,' she said.
Mel's trainer Chris Constantinou revealed that the secret to having a body like hers is you have to do a variety of exercises as well as sticking to a healthy diet.
He said: 'All too often people make the mistake of doing 100’s of crunches morning and night in the hope this will unearth the abs of Peter Andre in the 1990’s.'
Chris recommends a mixture of five different exercises. Starting with jumping sumo squats: 'These are similar to traditional jumping squats but with feet at a 45 degree angle to really work the inner thighs and gluts,' he explained.
Next try an 'own body weight push up with shoulder touch.' Chris said. 'This is a challenging twist to a push up, once at the top touch your shoulder with the opposing arm, giving a "Down, Up, Touch, Touch" rhythm.'
The third exercise that he recommends is jumping lunges: 'This will get your heart rate up as well and working the gluts and quads.'

Thanks chris, for giving her such a great body

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