
Tuesday 9 December 2014

William offers to turn ex-criminal into star as he and Kate visit New York youth project

PRINCE William offered to help turn a former hoodlum into an international star today after being bowled over by his performance in a play at a New York young people's project.
The Duke of Cambridge gave his contact details to 22-year-old playwright and actor Steven Prescod after watching him dance, sing and recount tales of his violent crime-ridden early life in excerpts from his play, Brooklyn Boy.

"We want more. That was amazing," William, 32, said after watching the performance with his wife Kate during a visit to two of New York City’s leading youth organisations – The Door and The CityKids Foundation – to see the work they do with disadvantaged children.

"Please get in touch," he added.

William offered to help the young playwright put his show on at venues in the United States and perhaps even bring it to Britain.

"We should get you on in the West End," William told Prescod and his fellow performers. "All I can say is, it was really impressive. It nearly had me in tears."

The play, featuring music, dance, and a powerful monologue from its author, recorded Prescod's early life - a mother pregnant at 15, father soon in jail, and the writer avoiding seven years in prison for assault and battery by opting for five years probation and seeking salvation at the CityKids Foundation, where he learned to perform.

"He told me that he really wanted to help me put the show on. He said he's been the Barclays Center last night to watch the basketball but he'd pay to see this a million times," said Prescod.

"It's all about my own life. I didn't really learn about writing. I didn't have to learn about developing characters because I used my own experiences."
William and Kate toured the project before watching the show that included original song, dance and theatre pieces from 28 performers.

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