
Wednesday 26 November 2014

'Their last Christmas' BBC sparks rumour Jenna Coleman is leaving Doctor Who

THE Jenna Coleman rumour mill has begun churning once again as the BBC have unveiled their Christmas schedule and the title of the Doctor Who special.

The BBC's Christmas highlights announcement calls the episode Last Christmas and the blurb states "The Doctor and Clara face their last Christmas".
It's thought this is the BBC subtly hinting that it could be Jenna Coleman's last turn as the Doctor's sidekick, Clara Oswold.
Rumours have been churning about Jenna quitting her role as the Time Lord's assistant since a source revealed she would be leaving in a Christmas storyline back in September.
A source told The Mirror said: "The conversations about Jenna’s exit have started, and a plan is in place which is being ironed out.
"By the time she leaves she will be one of the longest-standing companions ever. She has been absolutely brilliant in the role, but everyone agrees it is a part that should change after a period."

Jenna joined the show 18 months ago and her exit would create a vacancy for another sidekick to join the show, alongside Peter Capaldi.
But Peter put the rumours to bed just last month when he revealed he wasn't looking for a new assistant.
He said: "Well I’m not looking for a new assistant.
"I don’t know where these rumours have started. I’ve read that she may be leaving at Christmas but I don’t even know if she’ll get to Christmas..."
Jenna told The Radio Times no-one would know either way because it would ruin the episode.
"There’s lots of rumours," she said. "We’ve sat down with [showrunner] Steven Moffat and we’ve all decided we don’t want anyone to know which way it’s going."
She added: "If you know I’m in the next series – or if you know I’m off – you’ll know how the story ends."
It seems there will be some excitement around the Christmas episode this year, but could it end with the loss of Clara?

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